1. Submission of nomination form is open to everyone. Any person or organization may nominate in one or more categories.
2. Nomination should be made on the prescribed TOFARM nomination form, duly signed by the nominator and nominee, written in English, Filipino, or a mix of both.
3. The nominee, upon signing the nomination form, attests to the truthfulness and accuracy of all information submitted therein; agrees and authorizes the TOFARM search and award committee to verify the information and publish the documentation submitted; indicative also of the nominee’s willingness to attend the awarding ceremony.
4. The TOFARM search and award committee shall be the exclusive authority over the search and award of The Outstanding Farmers of the Philippines and reserves the right to resolve any issues arising from the undertaking, including the rejection of specific nominations.
5. A screening process for each nomination will be conducted. The nomination complying with the requirements will be endorsed to the Panel of Judges, those found insufficient will be returned for compliance.
6. It is imperative that the nominee sends all entries to the prescribed official emails and mailing addresses written in this nomination form, and disclose relevant material facts and information whether favorable and/or unfavorable to give an objective and complete perspective of their character and integrity as part of the evaluation.
Individual Category
Filipino citizen in good standing (without criminal records or conviction in any court of justice of the Philippines whose work in agriculture is presently within the Philippines
The nominee and his/her work have been confirmed existing by any nearest one (1) local Junior Chamber International (JCI) Organization, and the “nomination form” signed by its president (JCI Local Organization);
Note: JCI Local Organization must seek the assistance of LGU Agriculturist during the nomination period. -
A work of an individual or nomination of a work of an individual shall be submitted only once. The same work cannot be submitted for more than one category. If a work is made by more than one individual, only one person can be nominated on behalf of the other, else, the nomination is submitted to the group category.
Work that has been conferred by TOFARM shall not be eligible for the current year nomination, however, any person may be nominated again, in a new or different work or category.
In the category of “Outstanding Young Farmer,” the nominee must be in the age of 18-40 years old during the period of January 1 to December 31 of the awarding year.
Group Category
Group(s) of individual Filipino citizens whose work in agriculture is presently within the Philippines.
The group nominee and their work have been verified existing by any nearest JCI Chapter. Note: JCI Local Organization must seek the assistance of LGU Agriculturist during the nomination period.
The work of a group shall be submitted only once. No member shall submit the same work more than once under different category.
Group work that has been conferred by TOFARM shall not be eligible for the current year nomination, however, any group may be nominated again, in a new or different work or category.
Step 1: Download the nomination form and criteria manual at our official website: www.tofarm.org.
Step 2: Complete the information required in the nomination form.
Step 3: Seek assistance from your local JCI organization, for endorsing (as nominator) the entry.
Step 4: Complete the bidbook documentation of entry following our Bidbook Template.
Step 5: Scan the entire bidbook, create a PDF and send the final soft copy only to our two official email addresses: tofarmphils@gmail.com and tofarmphils@universalharvester.com.
Step 6: Seal your hardcopy bidbook in a properly marked envelope and send it to TOFARM Philippines Office, Attention to the Project Director, Universal Harvester, 158 P. Tuazon Blvd. corner 7th Ave., Cubao, Quezon City.
1. Nomination form with 5x7 inch latest colored photo of nominee, along with the original compilation of write-up, photos and other supporting documents or evidence required in favor of nominee.
2. Submit a five (5) to ten (10) minutes video of the nominee, the subject farm, or workplace. Include also in the video some clips of the nominee in action, the house and family members, surrounding neighbor or community. Video camera or phone camera are accepted. Send to our two official Email. Platform can be Google Drive, YouTube private link, or WeTransfer. Notify our office once sent.
3. Documentation or narration of nominee’s qualification should follow prescribed order or outline of presentation as enumerated in each criteria. The following are additional guide.
a. Show reference table of content;
b. Each page should be numbered, and annexes are properly referenced;
c. Arrange the compilation having first the nomination form, followed by eligibility requirement, then the Executive Summary (not more than 2 pages), and last the qualification or documentation of nominee in each criteria;
d. Total documentation must not exceed 30 pages of criteria content. A4 or Lettersize paper only;
e. Page designs can be accepted, and the contents can be single pages or back to back;
f. Compile all documents together and orderly in a form of an album;
g. The compiled documentation or bidbook must be scanned following the order of arrangement, page by page including the pictures, as is, where is. Save file in PDF, submit soft copy via email, & hard copy to our office. All nominations are qualified for the People’s Choice Category. Please see criteria and rules in our Website and Facebook account/page for more information;
h. Nominee must retain a duplicate copy of all submission.
4. The Nomination Form must be duly notarized. Nominee is required to sign each page of the documentation bidbook.
5. Documentation bidbook must be submitted in one (1) single sealed envelope.
6. Nomination forms and other materials are available at the TOFARM Office, Local JCI Partner Organizations, and at our official website - www.tofarm.org.
7. TOFARM will be accepting nomination/entries from the date of the official launch up to the last day. The date and time shall be posted on our official website and official social media sites.
8. Soft copy nomination and bid should be submitted online before shipping the hard copy. This is to secure your official entry pending the hard copy bidbook for judges. A template can be requested from our office to facilitate submissions following the required format. The required sequence is:
a. Notarized nomination form.
b. 5’ x 7’ latest color photo along with your executive summary;
c. The nominator/nominee may change and improve the nomination materials anytime before the deadline. Please regularly check this website and our official FB account and page (facebook.com/tofarmphils - facebook.com/tofarmsearch) for the deadline and other information.
d. Submission of a video of the nominee via our official email is required.
9. Submit the soft copy of the entire bid as a PDF to tofarmphils@universalharvester.com and tofarmphils@gmail.com and have our office confirm the email.
10. Submit the complete hard copy bid using a clear binder or similar format to TOFARM Philippines Office, Universal Harvester, Inc.
11. User may change or edit the submission anytime before the said date and time of closure. Please regularly check our official website and our two official Facebook accounts for updates and deadline.